
The fortress at the end

The fortress at the end

We said goodbye to the crew of the AmaVerde and stepped to the dock at Budapest. It was the last stop of our cruise along the “Romantic Danube.” We had traveled some 500 miles, approximately one-third of the run of this magnificent river. We had floated through beautiful swaths of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary. But now we were down to the final 24 hours.

Lion Cage (Part 1)

Lion Cage (Part 1)

Dürnstein may not tickle the eyes as other Danube castles do, but its secrets tickle the imagination— especially for Bible Land explorers. Here, Richard the Lionheart was imprisoned on his way home from the Crusades. How he was captured and how he was released is the stuff of mystery (and music!). Consider his capture here; we’ll save his release for another post.